"We turn not older with the years, but newer every day."
- Emily Dickinson
New Day Aging
Aging as a Continuum of Wellness and Opportunity

Welcome to New Day Aging!

Aging must be embraced with courage and a willingness from society to accept the strengths, experiences and wisdom that aging represents; aging as adding to life, rather than subtracting from it. All generations gain from working together to create a "new model" of what it means to age positively in this country.

Older age is uncharted territory. We all have different expectations of what it will hold for each of us. As the single largest cohort of the "Baby Boomers" enter older age, it is imperative that we acknowledge the need for pro-active, positive change to our ideas of what older age is and can be. "Boomers" are a generation of change. How well they experience older age is crucial to the generations that follow. New Day Aging believes that the dignity and respect an individual seeks throughout their lifetime should not be disregarded due to chronological age. Rather, recognizing that each generation is interdependent upon one another, not separate from each other.

The Mission

To advocate, educate and empower individuals as they age and create a foundation for cross-generational cohesiveness.

Our Services

  • Advocacy support for seniors, caregivers and their families
  • Educational group presentations
  • Personalized resource consulting

Contact Diane